“This was the best talk that we’ve ever had. Thank you.”

Year 12 student

“I hope I can be as successful as Faiza!”

Year 9 student

“I’m so glad you organised that Miss, it was really interesting.”

Primary school student

“He has achieved so much!”

Primary school student

“It was the best thing to meet a real life person from the army.”

Year 3 student.

I am so impressed with how you (Simone) have had the courage to come and tell us about your experiences and how you have the courage to share.

Year 5 student.

“It’s important to work hard in school so that you can get a good job.”

Primary school student

“I must work hard in school and college to be a film maker.”

Year 4 student.

“Can you read us another story? I love books.”

Year 4 student.

“Really Enjoyed the session … it showed me areas of work I didn’t know existed.”

Year 12 student.

“I enjoyed hearing about how gaining an education doesn’t have to stop at 18, and that gaining further qualifications later in life would help me to become successful.”

Year 12 student.

“Truly inspirational role model for the learners”

Secondary school teacher

“She had a warm presence … Makes me feel as those in similar situations would have felt more secure in themselves after listening to her.”

Secondary school teacher

“I learned that you should never give up, no matter what score you get, just keep trying!”

Primary School Student

“I learned that you have to re-take your GCSEs if you don’t pass them – this has motivated me to try harder.”

Primary School Student

Tasif addressed his own issues growing up in Bradford and how youngsters in today’s society can relate to the champions life and use that as a platform to turn their lives around.

Secondary School

Excellent session that was very personal and heartfelt. Lots of opportunity for questions and discussions.

Secondary School

Extremely useful a very inspirational afternoon which the students took a great deal from.

Secondary School

It gave them a great example of how someone from a similar background in their town can make a success of their lives. They are able to relate to the presenter because he has been where they are now.

Secondary School 

Letting the children know about different job opportunities and the message that you may not always know what you want to be, you may have to try different job before you settle on a career.

Primary School

‘Being different is a good thing’

Primary School Student

“Your story really resonates because this student has recently had the same sudden change of heart and I can see him listening intently as you share your story and its great to have it reinforced that all efforts no matter when you start are worth it.”

Primary School Teacher

“It’s not always easy to share our story, especially when its a difficult one like what you had experienced when you were younger. I want to tell you that I am very impressed and thank you for sharing your story with us today. I feel like I can make it, I just have to push through and that there is greatness in me. Thank you”

Primary School Student

"Upon hearing Gill speak at my sixth form, I instantly felt the need to speak to her and contact her for advice regarding my personal situation. Contacting and reaching out to Gill could have been one of the best decisions I made as speaking to her really opened my eyes and showed me how important and valuable education is. To this day Gill is always here to support me and continuously reminds me that she is always here to help me"

Sameer (Post 16 Student, Dixons Allerton Academy)

We have just started our new topic ‘I need a Hero!’ and we have been focusing on real life heroes first of all. Ben was fabulous, he told us what it was like being a firefighter and answered in detail all of the questions that the children had.

Primary School

Ben was great and had such a good manner with the children. I would definitely recommend him to other year groups If they are looking for something similar.

Primary School