Kiel Townend – Sales General Manager

Kiel grew up in Eccleshill and after leaving school without a real idea of a career, he joined Shipley College completing a GNVQ in Leisure and Tourism with the thought of maybe becoming a PE teacher. Towards the end of the course, he realised that he didn’t want to take the journey into higher education and wanted to get a full time job. Whilst working part time at Grattan he applied for a social worker role but on application he was a year too young, so applied for a role selling utilities as a stop gap job and that’s where a career in sales began. Kiel has worked in sales for the past 17 years and absolutely loves every minute of it. Having worked in various roles within his current employment, Kiel is a General Manager responsible for multiple office locations and the future growth of the company. In 2016, he was involved in opening the first of 3 sales academies within the business, all designed around nurturing and developing future leaders within the business. Kiel still lives in Bradford with his wife and son.

Sectors worked in and routes taken.


Eccleshill Upper, Shipley College 


Utility and Technology Sales 

What I would like to get involved in

Inspirational talk

Mentoring / Coaching young people