Ben Paolozzi – Trustee of the Magistrates Association

Ben is a former fire officer, retired from West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service after 31 years’ service in 2014.  In this time, apart from attending emergencies, Ben has been a trainer (Certificate in Education qualified), Mentor, Edexcel National Vocational Qualification Assessor & Verifier, Quality Manager of the Training Centre (British Standards ISO-9001), Brigade Health & Safety Advisor, Display Screen Equipment/Workstation Assessor and Command Officers’ assessment & development. Ben`s final role was leading and managing the design and development of the Brigades’ eLearning Department.

Ben joined the Calderdale Bench (at Halifax) in 2015, before transferring to the Bradford Bench when the Courthouse closed late 2016. Ben is a Presiding Justice in both Adult and Family Courts and a mentor to new magistrates. 

In addition, Ben has sits on the Crown Court Panel and the Scrutiny Panel of the West Yorkshire Local Criminal Justice Board, the North East Digital Lead Magistrate and a Trustee of the Magistrates Association.

Ben is currently self-employed as a sports, remedial and soft tissue therapist and a keen swimmer.

Sectors worked in and routes taken:
West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue


Instructor / Trainer

Fire Officer

Quality Manager (Training Centre)

Health & Safety Adviser

eLearning Manager (West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue)

West Yorkshire Magistrate

Criminal & Family Magistrate

Presiding Justice (Criminal & Family)

Crown Court Magistrate (sitting with Judges on appeals)

West Yorkshire Police Out of Court Disposal Scrutiny Panel

Trustee Of the Magistrates Association

What I would like to get involved in

Inspirational talk

Visits to my place of work